Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Sitting in a room full of older men I can't help but wonder about their lives and if their happy. I want so much to grow up, to be past the "school stage". But is it really worth it? Is it something I'll want back once I'm finished with it? Brad stares at me while I make my introduction. I'm new to the group and they want to know why such a young person is in their midst. So cool and confident he seems, I couldn't wait until his introduction. His body language screams power and influence, I took mental notes. Cool, calm and slow. Nothing rushed, repeated or done sloppy. Cool gazes, warm smiles, direct question and direct compliment. How can I become that confident? Bored out of my mind yet fascinated with the other new guy. What is my purpose here, why am I here? Mr. Confident feels pressure from recession and wife. He's human. I can't figure out what it is about this situation that makes him so familiar to me. The dvd plays on yet my mind is wandering.

The only thing that really struck me during the DVD was a joke. The joke goes loosely something like this. There were two people out camping. One said to the other, "Wow look at all of those stars! Imagine how many millions and millions of stars and planets there are in our galaxy let alone in space! It's hard to believe all of that was created by my heavenly father. He loves me personally, yet also loves everyone else and made everything we see out in space." His friend replies,"umm, I think someone stole our tent!" I found that somewhat humorous but I also was struck oddly at the whole circumstance and how I relate to others. I often feel like I'm the guy in this story looking so far into the heavens that I overlook the obvious (tent missing). Neither answer is wrong you see, It's just I can't seem to find anyone that sees the stars and the wonder of them with me. I just find that everyone is more upset about the tent missing than in awe of the glory and splendor of space.

Girls, love, romance are thought of in the same way. I'd rather focus on the hearts and minds of girls than their obvious outer beauty. I'd rather focus on what makes them happy, makes them tick, makes them 100% female than just another piece of bait. Everyone in my life looks skin deep on every issue. Love is a pain in the butt not something to be mystified and in wonder of. Romance is too much work, too hard, and not enough benefits they say. To me, it's an adventure! Of course I can say the wrong thing and *BOOM* landmine. But I find myself getting back up and stepping around the next mine hoping to find answers. Hopefully someday she'll notice.

In the mean time I'm off to find God in everything. I'm always amazed at things I see on National Geographic channel or Discovery. Have you ever watched those shark shows?!?! Those animals are so amazing! So graceful and fierce. I wonder if God created everything in his image. They all are attributes to his personality and his imagination. In the end, my heavenly dad loves me and you more than any of us can ever imagine. Next time you see something wonderful, maybe that's God telling you he loves you.

Until next time, thanks for listening to my rant!

Sunday, October 7, 2007


Have you ever wondered what on earth happiness means? For some this means lots of money, free time, girls, good grades, job, self image, or perhaps goals accomplished. What does it mean personally to you?

Let's begin with lots of money. Could this really make us happy? Would there be an end to the "madness"? In my opinion it seems those with lots of money don't ever seem to have enough of it. Seems kind of like a disease to me, you get all you could ever want yet you aren't happy and there is never enough money.

Free time! Something we all long for and for some of us we don't seem to get enough of. In my experience however, too much of this delicacy leads to boredom and trouble!

Girls (for us guys anyways) always seem to pose a problem for some. It would make sense to me that if you can't get enough attention, enough sex, or satisfaction from each than you really don't have that deep or lasting relationship with any of the girls you have "relationships" with.

Good grades, self image, goals, and job all reflect on us as a person it seems. If you don't do well enough in any of those categories it seems like you are doomed.

How do YOU define happiness? What makes you truly happy?